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Some more on the New Judging System
by Sonia Bianchetti
February 2005
I have read with great interest the exchange of comments and opinions
between George Rossano, a mathematician with his feet well on earth, or if
you prefer, on the ice, and Joe Inman, whom I would define gently as "a
dreamer." It goes without saying that I belong more to George's category
than Joe's. I do agree with Joe that the best part of the system is that
it shows all the parts of the skating, and it is thanks to this detailed
information that, after two years' testing, some people are starting to
wonder if everything is as good as the inventors and the supporters of the
NJS seem to believe or want us to believe, and if the improvement with
respect to the old 6.0 system was worth the costs.
In Inman's opinion, the technical part is surely better judged and the
"GOE is NOW explicit." Well I would very much appreciate if Joe, or
anybody else, could explain to me how it is possible that, at the European
Championships, from the top skaters to the very last one in the
classification list, both in men and ladies, the GOE for a given element
is more or less the same, 0, all the way through. If you take, as an
example, the GOE points assigned by the judges to the triple Axel jumps in
the men's event in Turin, you will notice that, except in case of a fall
or a particularly severe error for which a deduction had to be applied,
they are the same from Plushenko down. I saw the competition and I had
quite a different impression! The difference in the quality of the jumps
was there as bright as the sun! Another question: how is it possible
that there are so few elements deserving pluses? Plushenko skated an
outstanding program; nevertheless, the only +2 and +3 were awarded to his
step sequence. What about all the other elements that were excellent as
well? Are the judges really judging? What are they looking for to give a
+1 or a +2?
Although I never took part in any specific seminar on the NJS, as Joe
might object, I believe and hope that the concept as to what must be
considered a jump of good, mediocre or poor quality, or a good, mediocre
or poor spin or step sequence, has not changed and all the judges know it
very well. Why do they not give the correct marks? What are they afraid
of? Is there something wrong with the Assessment system?
As to the components, the situation is really dramatic. There is no doubt
that the artistic part of our sport is very important, that the programs
must be well choreographed, and the performance, the interpretation and
the composition should all be based on the music, but without forgetting
that we are talking of a sport and not a music contest, as Joe would like
to cast things.
The definitions set forth in the rules as to what must be considered when
marking Performance/Execution, Choreography/Composition and Interpretation
of the music are really going overboard. Terms such as "Physical,
emotional and intellectual involvement"; "Projection"; "Purpose (idea,
concept, vision, mood)"; "Utilization of personal and public space";
"Phrasing and form (movements and parts structured to match the phrasing
of the music)"; "Originality of purpose"; and to the top it all, "Use of
finesse to reflect the nuances of the music," in which "Finesse" is
defined as "the skater's refined, artful manipulation of nuances, and the
nuances are the personal artistic ways of bringing subtle variations of
the intensity, tempo, and dynamics of the music made by the composer
and/or musicians" can perhaps belong to a music contest to become a
conductor for La Scala, not for a skating competition. Perhaps Joe
envisions that in Turin for the Olympic Games the panel of judges will
include Riccardo Muti, Claudio Abbado, and Herbert Von Karajan.
I wonder how many judges understand what these words mean and are able to
use them. To make things more and more complicated has never helped
anybody in any field, be it sport, work, administration, or bureaucracy.
It would be better, in my opinion, to reduce from five to two the marks
for presentation: the first one for Skating Skills, Transitions, Linking
Footwork and Movement; and the second one for Choreography, Interpretation
and Expression of the music, using simple and clear definitions that can
be understood by each figure skating judge and not only by a restricted
elite of musicians, as Joe may wish.