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News and Reviews

DeLoca, Paul. Review.
Journal of Sport History, Colume 32, No. 3, Fall 2005.
Allusion. "The Most
Important Feature of Our Sport Is Its Art." FSNews, April 3,
Milton, Steve. "An insider's revelations of figure skating's dirty linen" The Hamilton Spectator,
February 9 2005.
Stevenson, Alexandra. "Book review: Cracked Ice." Blades on Ice, January/February
Rossano, Dr. George. "Interview with Sonia Bianchetti." Ice Skating International
Online, January 7, 2005.
Court, Angela. "Former
ice skating official exposes cold war." Times Online, London,
December 31,
Smith, Beverley. "Maverick
ISU member takes unkind parting shot." Toronto Globe and Mail,
December 11, 2004.
Loosemore, Sandra. Cracked
Ice review. SkateWeb, December 5, 2004.
Smith, Beverley. "Former
skating official pulls back curtain on ISU." Toronto Globe
and Mail, November 30,
Rossano, George. Cracked
Ice review. Ice Skating International:
Online, November 2004. Reproduced with permission.
Bee, Peta. "Clouds
obscure figure skating's bright new dawn." The Guardian, November 8,
Cowling, James. "Bianchetti
Out." Spotlight on Skating, September/October 2004. Reproduced with permission.